Friday, 16 July 2010

Dear postal service,

Thank you for delivering the stamps to our mailbox. They’re just what we ordered.

As a customer to your service I thought I’d give you some feedback or advice. Hope you don’t mind.

You are in the mail business. Delivering things to people’s mailboxes is your trade. It is therefore a little puzzling that getting an envelope with stamps in it to our house should take you THREE FULL BUSINESS DAYS! Just as a reference: if I order a t-shirt or other random item from another random online store, I usually have it in my hands by the following day. And their business would be t-shirts or other random items, not MAIL.

Just thought I’d mention it.

Best wishes,
Really Ninja

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Let's try this out shall we?

Yes it seems that I may update this through my iPhone as well! It's a bit bothersome to type like this though so it'll be only for very short posts. :)

Friday, 9 July 2010

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Elderblossom (Vlierbloesem)

A few years ago I was at the organic food shop and decided to try the elderblossom syrup. It was nice: not too sweet but sweet enough to tempt me. So I’ve been buying it ever since. A bottle goes a long way and I can adjust the taste (sweetness) to my mood. Perfect. Fed it to my parents as well as my little nephews and niece and everyone liked it.

Now what?

Just this weekend I read in the paper (Saturday’s-not-very-important-but-everyone-reads-it-all-the-same section) that on the terraces of Holland (particularly Amsterdam) it is all the rage to have a glass of elderblossom bubbles. With sparkling water or wodka or even champagne. It is said to be soooo refreshing, soooo different, and soooo hip ‘n happening.


Yes, I was so ahead of my time, it’s unbelievable. I, Really Ninja, turned out to be so hip ‘n happening that I didn’t even notice it – which is the best kind of hip ‘n happening of course. Ahahahar! Who’d have thought? Usually it only happens because I refuse to let go of something for so long until it becomes hip again. For example: converse shoes.

So what does this elderblossom rage mean?

It means that Every. Single. Bottle. of elderblossom syrup in organic food shops around is sold out. Empty shelves. Big gaping holes where there used to be neat rows of bottles waiting for its rather peculiar specialist audience wanting to make its own soft drink. The shops were never out of of elderblossom syrup!

It must be the scourge of every avantgarde hip ‘n happening person: by the time everyone else catches on, you absolutely need to move on. How tiresome.

I bought grenadine instead this time. Will wait for the rage to blow over and buy some new elderblossom when everyone else is tired of it. Won’t be long, methinks. These things rarely last.