Monday, 31 May 2010

The Next Generation

As I was refilling the paper drawer of the printer at work yesterday I noticed that the wrapping around the paper said "The Next Generation in Office Paper". My first thought: "I didn't know there was a first generation in office paper."
Seriously, that was my first thought. Of course there must have been earlier versions (or, if you prefer, 'generations') of office paper. All kinds. I guess I was a little thrown off by that phrase "The Next Generation".

As if office paper procreates and makes, nurtures and raises a whole new generation of young up-and-coming paper that faces this Brave New World with the wide-eyed expectations of Youth.
A paper that knows for sure it will never die.
A paper whose only fear is to grow old, like those who gave birth to it. Afraid to become obsolete just like generations before it, like the paper with holes in it for the fax machine or with last year's logo on it. Not this paper! This Next Generation in Office Paper knows it will Stand Tall and dodge adversity for years to come!

I almost felt sorry for sticking it in the printer and hitting the button that said "Proceed printing job".

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Bibs et al, part III

From Scotland
These blankies were hand-knitted by someone in Baltimore, US. That is just SO sweet, I don't have the right words for it. Speechless. (The Croc & Bear are for show... they'll be the kiddies' guardian angels.)


Taken on May 10 in Haarlem.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Never a dull moment

Seriously, there is something new every day...
(Much better now, by the way.)